Displaying posts tagged with

“Cosmetic Dentist”

How a bridge can bring back your smile even with missing teeth

If you’re missing one or more teeth, it probably affects your smile and you may also notice a difference in chewing and speaking. But there are options available to help you restore your smile and limit other problems. For example, a bridge – sometimes called a fixed partial denture – replaces missing teeth with artificial […]

The power of panormaic x-rays

X-rays are extremely valuable for helping dentists identify issues that may not show up on normal oral examination. The three most common types of dental X-rays are the bitewing, periapical and panoramic X-rays. Panoramic X-rays give a broad overview of the entire mouth – supplying information about the teeth, upper and lower jawbone, sinuses, and […]

Oral cancer: Why early detection is so important

Although thousands of Americans die every year from oral cancer, there is a high chance it can be cured if it is caught early enough. Each year, more than 30,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer and only half of those diagnosed survive more than five years. But nowadays, dentists have the skills and tools […]

How scaling and planing can help clean your teeth properly

Dental plaque is a film that builds up on your teeth and, if it is not removed through good oral hygiene, it can lead to tooth decay and gum problems. Over time it can ultimately form a hard, rough sediment known as dental tartar or calculus, which attracts further plaque buildup. Calculus has to be […]

Taking care of your dentures

Your dentures are designed to last a very long time so its important that you take care of them as you would take care of your own teeth. They are very delicate and may break easily if dropped even a few inches. So its a good idea to stand over a folded towel or a […]

The causes of bad breath

Bad breath – also known as halitosis – is an unpleasant condition that can cause a great deal of embarrassment. And, for many people, its made even worse by the fact they don’t even know that they have it. There are many possible causes for bad breath so, if you think you might have the […]

How your oral health links with your general health

Research has shown strong links between periodontitis (advanced form of gum disease) and other health problems such as cardiovascular disease, stroke and bacterial pneumonia. And pregnant women with periodontitis may be at increased risk of delivering pre-term and/or having babies with low birth weight. However, just because two conditions occur at the same time, doesn’t […]

The keys to keeping your mouth healthy

A healthy mouth is a good indication of your overall health and helps you to keep a great smile and continue eating what you want for many years to come. There are a few steps you can take to make sure your mouth is as healthy as possible: – Brush your teeth twice a day […]

How dental implants can give you a better smile

If you have missing teeth, you dont just have to rely on crowns, conventional bridges and dentures. Many people are now choosing dental implants as the best way to restore their smile and solve dental problems. Implants are placed below the gums during a series of appointments. They fuse to the jawbone and provide a […]

Preventing tooth decay in babies and infants

The habits of good dental care should begin as early as possible and its important to take steps to avoid problems with infants and children. Children need strong, healthy teeth to chew their food and baby teeth also keep a space in the jaw for the adult teeth. If a baby tooth is lost too […]