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Whats involved in getting a dental implant?

Dental implants are increasingly popular as a way to replace missing or damaged teeth. Their great advantage is that they look natural and feel secure helping you to restore your smile and eat more easily. Implants are an ideal solution for many people but they are not an option for everyone. Placing implants requires some […]

How Osteoporosis medications can affect your dental health

Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens bones and increases the risk of fractures. It affects about 10 million Americans of whom 8 million are women and another 34 million are at risk of developing it. So this is a disease that affects more women than cancer, heart disease and stroke combined. But what does it […]

How sugar in your diet affects your teeth

The sugar content in the food you eat has a big effect on your teeth and gums. When bacteria (plaque) come into contact with sugar in the mouth, acid is produced, which attacks the teeth for 20 minutes or more. This can eventually result in tooth decay. Thats why drinking sugar-filled sodas, sweetened fruit drinks, […]

You might have gum disease without even knowing it

Gum disease also known as periodontal disease – is an infection of the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth and its a major cause of tooth loss in adults. But its usually painless so you may not even know you have it. Its caused by plaque a sticky film of bacteria that constantly forms on […]

Different types of dentist and how they help your oral care

While many people see dentists as the single group of people who look after the health of your teeth and mouth, there are various specialist categories that help you in different ways. The categorization of a dentist will depend on their education, training and experience. Here are some of the main specialist areas of dentistry: […]